"Management research in the hospitality and tourism industry" by Xu Cheng

Award Date


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Hotel Administration


Hotel Administration

First Committee Member

Mehmet Erdem

Second Committee Member

Billy Bai

Third Committee Member

Pearl Brewer

Graduate Faculty Representative

Marcus Rothenberger

Number of Pages



The purpose of this study is to identify the current research trends and clarify the changing direction of scholarly studies on knowledge management. The context of this study is hospitality and tourism research with a focus on research publications between 2006 and 2010. Published scholarly studies within this period are examined through content analysis, using such keywords as knowledge management, organizational learning, hospitality, tourism, tourist destinations, travel industry, hotels, lodging, motels, hotel industry, gaming, casino hotel and convention to search scholarly research journals. All contributions found are then screened for a hospitality and tourism theme and KM as the main research topic. The search reveals 62 qualified scholarly research articles in total. Conceptual studies are limited, with empirical studies representing a majority of the published knowledge management research with a hospitality and tourism theme. Researchers mostly discuss knowledge management approach in improving information technology, marketing and strategic planning in order to gain competitive advantage. Overall, knowledge management research is still limited. This study, the most comprehensive content analysis conducted to date, provides students and academics with insights into past research and ideas for future research, helping to develop a reliable knowledge base from which practitioners may inform action and make future plans.


Hospitality and tourism industry – Research; Knowledge management; Organizational learning; Research articles; Tourism – Research


Business Administration, Management, and Operations | Hospitality Administration and Management | Recreation, Parks and Tourism Administration

File Format


Degree Grantor

University of Nevada, Las Vegas




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