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About the Collection
This collection contains faculty research from the UNLV University Libraries. Records are organized by Year, Author, and Title. To view the entire collection of UNLV faculty research across all programs, visit the All Faculty Research collection.
Submissions from 2005
21st Century literacies: Transforming education for next generation learners, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Advocating for clinicians, students and clients: The Bibliotherapy Education Project, D. Pehrsson and P. S. McMillen
Metadata and the technical services librarian, Katherine Rankin
Submissions from 2004
Where is the library in course management software?, Marianne A. Buehler
The Libraries role in the reinvention of undergraduate education, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Rethinking the undergraduate curriculum: It takes a village, Christina Maslach and Patricia A. Iannuzzi
Tracing the Las Vegas landscape through maps: A cartographic journey through Las Vegas history, Katherine Rankin
Submissions from 2002
From information overload to information savvy, Patricia A. Iannuzzi
The Library as laboratory, Patricia A. Iannuzzi and Diane Harvey
Submissions from 2000
Assessment techniques for one-session occasions: A smorgasbord of techniques (with examples), Jeanne M. Brown
Submissions from 1999
Finding and using architecture information on the internet -- The librarian's contribution: Categories and core sites, Jeanne M. Brown
Submissions from 1998
Applying Bloom's Taxonomy to Internet skills courses, Jeanne M. Brown
Submissions from 1997
Assessing Libraries in Support of Campus Missions, Patricia Iannuzzi
Emergency egress in library buildings, Filiz Ozel, Jeanne M. Brown, and Gina Sambolin
Submissions from 1994
Internet gopher sites of interest to architecture: Reality & prospects, Jeanne M. Brown
Internet resources: Expanding the reference power of the architectural library, Jeanne M. Brown
Putting Internet to work in reference and bibliographic instruction, Jeanne M. Brown
Submissions from 1993
Bibliographic instruction for architecture students in a multifile OPAC environment, Jeanne M. Brown