Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Transgender population: Barriers and adaptions to employment, Cecilie H Evans
Job characteristics and self-efficacy as predictors of organizational commitment, Min Fang
The dichotomy in the determinacy of certain two-person infinite games with moves from {0,1}, Deborah Sue Fraker
Determination of static contraction times to exhaustion for given percentages of a 1 Rm in the bench press, leg press, and pulldown exercises, Jeremy C Fransen
Protoporphyrin IX distribution in rat brain following the administration of 5-aminolevulinic acid and its hexylester, Scott Alan Friesen
Cenozoic extension superimposed on a Mesozoic thrust belt, central Nevada, Joseph John Gilbert
Complexity: Theoretical and methodological applications for sociology, Kathryn A Gilpatric
Characterization of the pleiotropic effects of the Drosophila gene mushroom body miniature B, Michael Louis Ginsburg
Estimating effective discharge at Lehman Creek, Great Basin National Park, Nevada, Lisa A Glonek
Determinants of the earnings gap between blacks and whites: A human capital approach, James Michael Goldenberg
Paleoindian technological provisioning in the western Great Basin, Kelly Elizabeth Graf
Instructional differentiation in general education and the gifted resource room: Teacher and student perceptions, Mary Trombatore Greene
Mentoring toward technology use: Cooperating teacher practice in preparing student teachers, Karen Jane Grove
Starbursts in the UV bright interacting galaxies NGC 3395 and NGC 3396, Mark Hancock
The ecological role of beavers (Castor canadensis) in a Southwestern desert stream, Bryan James Harper
The Nature and Level of Criminal Activity among Pathological Gamblers, Paul Cherbonneau Harvey
Weighted running: Effect on impact and oxygen consumption, Wendy Ann Hibner
Paleoecology of Upper Harkless archaeocythan reefs in Esmeralda County, Nevada, Melissa K Hicks
Political ramifications of gender complementarity for women in Native American literature, Patrice Eunice Marie Hollrah
Effects of elevated carbon dioxide on primary productivity in a Mojave Desert ecosystem, David Charles Housman
Electrical characterization of plasma-enhanced Cvd silicon nitride dielectric on copper, Amudha Regina Irudayam
Analysis of the crash potential at signalized intersections with trap lanes, Joanna Kajkowski
A comparative study of funding mechanisms for community colleges in the state of Nevada and selected states, Christopher Pat Kelly
Questions and conjectures about multinomial coefficients, Troy Richard Kessler
An analysis of wealth effect to shareholders of the lodging industry in mergers and acquisitions, Sung-Hwan Kim
Laminin-5 mediates vascular smooth muscle cell response to growth factors, Karl Kingsley
Near-optimal broadcast in all-port wormhole-routed hypercubes using error-correcting codes, Hyosun Ko
The relationship between employee personality traits and preferred leadership style, Thomas M. Kuhn
Muscle performance during slow isokinetic speeds, Jonathan Michael Kwantes
The recent growth of the Las Vegas Valley and its effect on the criminal justice system, Scott William Larson
Television as a medium to college students' predispositions: Portrayals of professors and their profession, Mona Millicent Lauber
Precipitating and prophylactic factors contributing to posttraumatic stress disorder symptomatology in maltreated children, Lisa Marie Linning
Sedentism among the Archaic fisher-folk of northern Chile: A malacological perspective, Sally D Llull-Billings
Effects of OCR errors on text categorization, Lidija K Mackovski
Perceptions of caring behaviors by elderly residents in extended care facilities, Ludy Sta Maria-Llasus
The fixture and methodologies for evaluating vibration characteristics of hand-held pneumatic impact tools, Jeffrey G Markle
Peer education and its effects on the beliefs of rape myths, Allison Marmer
Parental perceptions of childhood weight status in preschool children, Alison Faye Martodam
Technology leadership at a junior high school: A qualitative case study, Alvin Wesley Matthews
A study of allied health care entry -level employee workplace basic skills and competencies, Mildred Arroyo McClain
Analysis of the cell-specific expression of the serpent gene and its role as a cell -fate switch in Drosophila melanogaster, Jennell Marie Miller
Spectroscopy of negative molecular ions: Studies in the infrared of methide (Ch(3)-) and in the vacuum ultraviolet of No(-) and atomic and molecular oxygen (O(-) and O(2)-), Stephen Earl Mitchell
Evaluation of factors affecting the performance of biological phosphorus removal in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant, Cesar Rossas Mota Filho
Assessing learning outcomes in college introductory economics courses: A case study, John Richards Mundy
Factors affecting enrollment and retention at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints St George Institute of Religion, John Savage Naegle
Characterization of 2-methyl-8-quinolinolato gallium (Iii) chelates, Sanjini Ushika Nanayakkara
An examination of mentoring among graduate teaching assistants, Kimberly Kay Nehls
Coping strategies and stress levels of parents of children with autism, Tammy L Neil
Perceptions of nonconforming sexualities and genders on television talk shows, Violeta Oliver
Comparison of heart rates between deep water running, treadmill running, and cycling, Jennifer Nicole Padilla
Anomaly detection in hyperspectral signatures using automated derivative spectroscopy methods, Srilatha Panchanathan
Differentiating educational needs of North American and Non-North American tradeshow exhibitors, Hyunsoo Park
Electrochemical techniques for detection of Tnt and other explosives using disposable screen-printed carbon electrodes, Rebecca Ann Pearson
Deterrence and urinalysis of probationers, James Pierre Perdue
An exploration of the inner experience of depression, Carla Nanette Perlotto
Mock juror perceptions of juvenile defendants in adult court, Jennifer Lynne Personius
The effects of static stretching sets in warm-up on maximum vertical jump performance, David R Pestana
Facilitating the process of knowledge construction among preservice teachers through computer -mediated communications, Jennifer Ann Peterson-Lewinson
The politics of lesbian "nature": A feminist critique of scientific knowledge and practice, Jaime L Phillips
Attorneys' perceptions of child witnesses with mental retardation, Michelle Dawn Platt
The effects of thymic hormones on the proliferation of human myelogenous leukemia cells, Melissa Pompilius
Alternative perspectives of projectile point variability during the Levantine Neolithic, Doss F. Powell
Parent pathology and family environment as correlates of child separation anxiety disorder, Courtney Ryan Pursell
Burnt Rock Mound (26Ck3601): Late Archaic and Ceramic period human use of a northern Mojave spring mound, Hal Boyle Rager
An empirical investigation of the adoption and usage of electronic data interchange in the hotel industry, Collin D Ramdeen
A comparative analysis of church and state issue attitudes in the United States and Norway, Bryan Arlon Smith Rasmussen
The acute effects of transdermal testosterone precursor administration on serum steroid hormone levels in females, Mark Anthony Rasmussen
The experience of successful smoking cessation: A phenomenological inquiry, Gail Ann Rattigan
An assessment of financial ratios as predictors of casino stocks' behavior, Flavia Godoy Razuk
The effect of surface compliance on the cost and benefit of performing drop-jumps, Michele Nicole Reid
Craniofacial morphology and the consequences of intentional cranial deformation among prehistoric Andean populations, Matthew Paul Rhode
Heart failure: Its impact on women's lives, Diane L Rhodes
Variables that affect the amount of the consent that clinical research subjects read, Joanne Hembree Robinson
In vitro analysis of integrin mediated adhesion, migration, and signaling, William Lathrop Rust
The professional development needs of high school principals for school improvement, Pamela Cummins Salazar
Cyclic irrigation of turfgrass using a shallow saline aquifer, Christopher M Schaan
Terrorism in the news: A constructionist approach, Lisa Linn Sharp
The metahistory of the American West, Don Franklin Shepherd
A descriptive study of the organizational culture and structure of accelerated schools, Susan Virginia Steaffens
The 2000 presidential election: A content analysis of newspaper media coverage, Jennifer Barbara Stein
Motivations of elders who volunteer with youth in intergenerational programs, Christine Alberta Stergios
Development and validation of an instrument for student evaluation of Web -based instruction, Ingrid Stewart
"The only way to teach these people is to kill them": Pedagogy as communicative action in the major plays of David Mamet, Jeffrey Otto Strasburg
Self-stabilizing interval routing algorithm with low stretch factor, Sripriya Sundaram
Evaluation of geophysical methods to characterize alluvial soils in the arid environment, Bjorn E Sundquist
Nervousness in the works of F Scott Fitzgerald, Michael Emil Tischler
An application of the Kuleshov Experiment on Generation X: Testing viewer reactions to editing, Giselle Touzard
Teens understanding of the indicators of the tendency to abuse alcohol: Focus group discussions, Bob Van Drimmelen
Ecology and evolution of an annual plant following fire in the Mojave Desert, Cheryl Hightower Vanier
Clare Boothe Luce and the 1953--1954 Trieste crisis, Jelena Velisavljevic
Multi-object recognition and retrieval using Puma560 robot, Bharatha R Viswanadha
Characterization of perillyl alcohol as a cell migration-inhibiting compound, Johanna Elizabeth Wagner
An investigation on the impact of training on employees' perceptions of occupational status and self-esteem in the foodservice industry, Keithen Adell Washington
The geochemistry of gold-bearing and gold-free pyrite and marcasite from the Getchell gold deposit, Humboldt County, Nevada, Kelli Diane Weaver
Effects of social skill training for high -functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, Barbara Jane Webb
The impact of being dignified by one's manager on leader-member exchange and psychological empowerment, Loren Brett Wender
"Holy dwarves" and "devil babies": An anthropological world-survey of stigmatization of the disabled, Tommi Louise White