Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal
Volume 2, Issue 2 (2022)
Narrative Review of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Evidence in Late 2021
Ambree Papa Schoetker and Manoj Sharma
Why Imre Lakatos’s Account of Science is Superior
Kyle J. Q. Catarata
The Utilization of CRISPR/Cas9 in Monogenic Disorders Authors
Shauna M. Mellor
Using Motor Imagery as an Alternative to Exercise for Improvement of Mental Health: A Qualitative Investigation
Madelyn Colbert
Emotional Resilience Emerges as Novel Aspect of Meta-Mood Experience: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Accounting for Data Censoring
Fitsum A. Ayele, Orei Z. Odents, and Kimberly A. Barchard
How Facial Features Convey Attention in Stationary Environments
Janelle Domantay and Brendan Morris
Understanding Inservice Middle School Teachers’ Views of Nature of Science (VNOS)
Merika Charupoom, Yasmeen Hernandez, Emily Carter, Nicole J. Thomas, and Tina Vo