Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Asian/Pacific Island Nursing Journal (School of Nursing)
This journal is now published by JMIR.Nursing in Asia and the Pacific Islands regions is a rapidly growing group of professionals and include the fastest growing minority group in America. Yet one of the greatest challenges is finding information about these groups in publications which examine their health, disparities, immigration and acculturation challenges, health literacy, health education needs, policy implications, and responses to varied interventions in acute care and community settings. Asian / Pacific Island Nursing Journal assists researchers, educators, and practitioners in meeting these important challenges.

Governance: The Political Science Journal at UNLV (Department of Political Science)
Welcome to Governance: The Political Science Journal at UNLV.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Nerses Kopalyan & Dr. Martha Lizabeth PhelpsJournal for International Counselor Education (College of Education)
The Journal of International Counselor Education published its final volume in 2014. All previously published articles continue to be available here as open access publications.
The Journal for International Counselor Education (JICE) is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that promotes counselor education and supervision internationally. JICE aims to advance research on counselor training, supervision, and practice around the world, and to foster international collaboration among professional counselors and counselor educators. The journal features original research reflecting the diverse and growing population of counselors globally.
Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice (Division of Health Sciences)
The Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice is a refereed online journal that explores the dimensions of health disparities globally. Issues of the Journal are published quarterly. The Journal invites submission of original articles from researchers, public health, behavioral health, clinical,and social science experts and practitioner that seek to continue the promotion of health equtiy and the discussion of health disparities in order to eradicate them.
The Journal of Health Disparities Research and Practice is an Open Access publication; all articles are freely available online immediately upon issue publication. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed, and brough to publication as rapidly as possible. Currently, no charge for submitting a paper to the Journal; however, for manuscripts submitted after February 1, 2021 and published after July 1, 2021, a one time article processing charge of $1000 will be charged.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal. If you have questions, please Melva Thompson-Robinson, DrPH at
Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education (College of Education)
The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education published its final volume in 2014. All previously published articles continue to be available here as open access publications.
The Journal of Praxis in Multicultural Education is a peer-reviewed journal published once/twice a year by the Center for Multicultural Education at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The journal is committed to publishing manuscripts written by Pre-K-16 teachers and higher education researchers that embody the true definition of praxis. The journal demonstrates teacher learning through a dialectical union of reflection and action.

Journal of Research in Technical Careers (College of Education)
Journal of Research in Technical Careers (JRTC), published twice yearly by the Department of Teaching and Learning at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, provides an intellectual platform for sharing scholarship among researchers in career and post-secondary technical education and related disciplines. Submissions are encouraged related to any of the career clusters in the National Career Clusters Framework.
Submissions are accepted on an ongoing basis. Please note, however, that we do not send any new manuscripts out for review between May 15 and August 15 of each year. In order to be considered for publication in the spring issue, manuscripts should be submitted no later than March 1; for the fall issue, manuscripts should be submitted no later than October 1.
Please see the Policies page for information regarding submitting a manuscript or becoming a reviewer.

Journal of Solution Focused Practices (School of Medicine)
The Journal of Solution Focused Practices and JSFP Translated Abstracts published their final volumes in December of 2022 through Digital Scholarship@UNLV. All previously published articles continue to be available here as open access publications.
See JSFP Translated Articles and Abstracts website to find the abstracts in over 10 different languages.
See the Mission and Vision for a complete coverage of the journal.
Nevada Journal of Public Health (Division of Health Sciences)
The Journal of the Nevada Public Health Association is a peer-reviewed, online scholarly journal. Its mission is to serve as the voice for public health in Nevada in order to improve health and achieve equity in health status.
Psi Sigma Siren (Department of History)
Since 2002, the Psi Sigma Chapter of Phi Alpha Theta National History Honor Society has collected noteworthy undergraduate and graduate papers written by UNLV’s history students and published them in our online journal. The first issue of Psi Sigma: Historical Journal included three award-winning papers by graduate students; the second issue featured award-winning undergraduate papers. The journal quickly expanded to include a mix of undergraduate and graduate work, book reviews, and essays. In 2010, Psi Sigma issued a special edition of the journal, publishing several papers that were presented at the Phi Alpha Theta Southwest Regional Conference, hosted by UNLV; a number of the papers published were written by students from other Phi Alpha Theta chapters in the region.
Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal (Office of Undergraduate Research: Student Research Collection)
Spectra Undergraduate Research Journal by the Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) is currently accepting manuscripts for its Spring 2024 issue to be published in early Fall 2024. The deadline for this upcoming issue is rolling. Interested students should email for more information.Spectra is a bi-annual (i.e., fall and spring issues), peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary, open-access journal primarily dedicated to the publication of undergraduate student research at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. If and when possible, Spectra also publishes well-qualified undergraduate research from other institutions.
OUR offers workshops on how to write abstracts, annotate bibliographies, cite properly, prepare manuscripts for publication, and review manuscripts for publication, encompassing many stages of the writing spectrum.
To sign up for these workshops, please go to OUR's Research Skills Academy page.
To access more information and resources, please go to OUR's Spectra page.
For questions about Spectra, please email

Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education (College of Education)
Taboo’s Editors in Chief have changed as of July 1, 2023; no new issues will be hosted at UNLV. Please visit Caddo Gap Press to find more information about Taboo.Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology (School of Integrated Health Sciences)
Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology is dedicated to relaying information to the research practitioner in an open access format.
The journal publishes original research in two main practical areas: 1) the "Process of Science" (aspects surrounding scientific discovery and practice, which could include findings from investigations, novel scientific applications, or experience gained through completing research), and 2) "Implementation Strategies" (processes by which aspects can be applied to the performance or practice of exercise, including pre-exercise routines, novel training applications, or methods for improving performance). The journal accepts original research submissions in the following categories 1) Expedited Articles, 2) Review Articles, and 3) Case Studies.
The journal also publishes “Topics Briefs” which distills evidence-based information into a content format more easily implemented than the typical publication written for an academic audience. The aim of the TESK offering is to provide clear, digestible, and practical information for specific populations in the area of exercise science and kinesiology. If you have questions about where your work fits, please contact the editors.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
To maintain a happy editorial board and reviewer pool, Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology will reduce our normal staffing during June and July. Any manuscripts submitted during these months may not begin the pre-review process until August. Additionally, manuscripts under review during these months may take longer than our normal time course to complete. It is suggested to submit well in advance of these months in order to avoid any delays.
Join the International Community of Scholars in Kinesiology for benefits on this and other journals.
Branded apparel and accessories are available for purchase here.
Tradition Innovations in Arts, Design, and Media Higher Education (College of Fine Arts)
How can we build a future for teaching and mentoring creative work and research that honors core disciplinary traditions, supports interdisciplinary collaborations, and enhances transdisciplinary work? How can evolving digital technologies foster innovation in the interwoven work of teaching-researching-creating, while supporting the best of traditional practices in the arts, design, and media disciplines?
This new peer-reviewed open access eJournal—collaboratively brought to life by the international Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities (a2ru) network, and a2ru member UNLV—provides a multimedia forum to address this and connected questions by exploring how creative work, teaching/mentoring, and knowledge creation/research are linked and in conversation with one another.
See the About this journal for a complete coverage of the journal.

Translated Abstracts (School of Medicine)
The Journal of Solution Focused Practices and JSFP Translated Abstracts published their final volumes in December of 2022 through Digital Scholarship@UNLV. All previously published articles continue to be available here as open access publications.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.
UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal (Division of Research & Economic Development)
In the rapidly globalizing world of gaming, UNLV's Gaming Research and Review Journal provides a unique forum for peer-reviewed articles published by the world's leading academic experts. Since 1994, the GRRJ has published hundreds of pertinent research papers on casino operations, gaming laws and regulations, management, technology, community relations, responsible gaming, and other important topics.
If you are interested in publishing your manuscript in the UNLV Gaming Research & Review Journal, please click on the Policies link in the upper left menu for information on preparing your manuscript and more details on the GRRJ. Please note that we do not do translations or language edits. If you need a language review, please seek this assistance prior to article submission.
When you are ready to submit, please click on the Submit Article link in the left hand menu. We look forward to reading your work.
2010 Annual Nevada NSF EPSCoR Climate Change Conference (Conferences/Meetings (NNE))
American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Conference (College of Sciences)
Anthropology 100: Feast and Famine In a Global World Poster Assignment (College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Research)
Caesars Hospitality Research Summit (College of Hospitality)
College of Engineering: Graduate Celebration Programs (Graduate Student Research)
Education for a Global Future: 21st Century Challenges in Sustainability & Climate Change Education (Conferences/Meetings (USI))
Far West Popular Culture Association Annual Conference (College of Liberal Arts)
Festival of Communities: UG Symposium (Posters) (Undergraduate Student Research)
Graduate Research Symposium (2010 - 2017) (Graduate Research)
History First-Year Seminar Research (College of Liberal Arts Undergraduate Research)
Interdisciplinary Research Scholarship Day (Division of Health Sciences)
International Conference on Gambling & Risk Taking (Division of Research & Economic Development)
Lake Mead Science Symposium (Lake Mead Symposium)
National Clean Energy Summit (Conferences/Meetings (USI))
Native American Forum on Nuclear Issues (Conferences (SEPA))
North American Energy Roundtable (Conferences/Meetings (USI))
North American Energy Water Nexus Roundtable (Conferences/Meetings (USI))
NSTec UNLV Symposium (Lectures/Events/Symposiums (HRC))
Research Week at UNLV (Division of Research & Economic Development)
Scholarship Colloquium (Library Events)
Shaping the Future of Southern Nevada: Economic, Environmental, and Social Sustainability (Conferences/Meetings (USI))
The Political Demography and Geography of the Intermountain West Conference (Brookings Mountain West Events)
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) (Undergraduate Student Research)
UNLV Libraries-Greater Western Library Alliance Conference (Library Events)
UNLV Renewable Energy Symposium (Research and Graduate Studies)
Peer-Reviewed Series
Caesars Hospitality Research Center Grant (College of Hospitality)
The Caesars Hospitality Research Center (previously Harrah Hospitality Research Center) is dedicated to the advancement of research and practices in the hospitality industry. It promotes knowledge through funded research, events, awards, and publications, providing for the interaction and exchange of ideas among educators, researchers, students and practitioners. Announcing the 2012 Call for Grant Proposals Grants and awards for outstanding research help further the development of new ideas and practices for implementation by managers, owners and others. The Caesars Hospitality Research Center will begin accepting proposals for its 2012 research grants beginning November 15, 2011. The grants will be considered on the basis of industry impact and range in size up to $50,000. For information on this year's topics and application guidelines, please see the Call for Grant Proposals (PDF).Calvert Undergraduate Research Awards (University Libraries Lance and Elena Calvert Award for Undergraduate Research)
About the University Libraries Lance and Elena Calvert Award for Undergraduate Research
With the support of a generous endowment from Lance and Elena Calvert, the University Libraries Lance and Elena Calvert Award for Undergraduate Research recognizes excellence in undergraduate research projects that incorporate the use of University Libraries' collections and demonstrate sophisticated information literacy skills on the part of the undergraduate researcher. The award review committee considers the product of the research, but focuses on the research process: the demonstration of library research skills, adept use of library resources, and reflection upon the strategies utilized to investigate a research problem. Winners receive a cash prize and public recognition of their excellent work.
For more information on how to apply, please visit the Lance and Elena Calvert Undergraduate Research Awards page.
Policy Issues in Nevada Education: Policy Papers (College of Education)
The College of Education is committed to engaging in research and evaluation efforts that align with contemporary legislative issues. Outputs of these efforts are periodically presented to Nevada legislators to help inform work concerning education-related issues.
College of Education faculty produce several policy papers on key legislative issues during each Nevada Legislative Session. These papers are presented to legislators and stakeholders in advance of the session, and provided non-partisan research and key conclusions.