Submissions from 2018
Stereotype Threat and Gender Differences in Biology, Gita Taasoobshirazi, Christina Puckett, and Gwen Marchand
A Multimodal Exploration of Engineering Students' Emotions and Electrodermal Activity in Design Activities, Idalis Villanueva, Brett D. Campbell, Adam C. Raikes, Suzanne H. Jones, and LeAnn G. Putney
Puzzling The Pieces: Conceptual Blocks Of Engineering Student Ideas In A Service Learning Project, Idalis Villanueva, Suzanne Jones, LeAnn Putney, and Brett Campbell
Personalizing Algebra to Students’ Individual Interests in an Intelligent Tutoring System: Moderators of Impact, Candace Walkington and Matthew L. Bernacki
Personalization Of Instruction: Design Dimensions And Implications For Cognition, C Walkington and M L. Bernacki
Submissions from 2017
Exploring Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Bridge to Evaluativism: Conceptual Clarity and Implications for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing., Lisa D. Bendixen, Denise Winsor, and Raelynn Frazier
The Effects of Doodling on Recall Ability, Jason Bruce Boggs, Jillian Lane Cohen, and Gwen C. Marchand
The experiences of students who highly identify with their university’s sports team: A phenomenological analysis, Joseph S. Ervin and Victoria J. Rosser
Teacher Education Yearbook XXV: Building Upon Inspirations and Aspirations with Hope, Courage, and Strength through Teacher Educators' Commitment to Today’s Teacher Candidates and Educator Preparation, Nancy P. Gallavan and LeAnn G. Putney
Pedagogical Differences during a Science and Language Intervention for English Language Learners, Tiberio Garza, Margarita Huerta, Rafael Lara-Alecio, Beverly J. Irby, and Fuhui Tong
Science Classroom Interactions and Academic Language Use with English Learners, Tiberio Garza, Margarita Huerta, Tracy G. Spies, Rafael Lara-Alecio, Beverly J. Irby, and Fuhui Tong
The Charter School Principal: Nuanced Descriptions of Leadership, Marytza A. Gawlik and Dana Bickmore
Unexplored Conditions of Charter School Principals: An Examination of the Issues and Challenges for Leaders, Marytza A. Gawlik and Dana Bickmore
Complex systems research and evaluation in engineering education, J C. Hilpert and G C. Marchand
Processes Involving Perceived Instructional Support, Task Value, and Engagement in Graduate Education, G C. Marchand and A P. Gutierrez
Forward, Steven G. McCafferty
Pre-service teachers' self-efficacy mediates the relationship between career adaptability and career optimism, B McLennan, P McIlveen, and H N. Perera
Board# 111: Using High School Transcript Data and Diagnostic Information to Fine-Tune Placement Policy and Tailor Instruction in Developmental Math, Tatiana Melguizo and Federick J. Ngo
Are fans proud of the WNBA's 'pride' campaign?, C Mumcu and N Lough
Facebook, Crowdsourcing and the Transition to College, Kimberly Nehls and Jake Livengood
How Extending Time in Developmental Math Impacts Student Persistence and Success: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity in Community Colleges, Federick J. Ngo and Holly Kosiewicz
Refutation texts for effective climate change education, M E. Nussbaum, J R. Cordova, and A P. Rehmat
Twitter vs. Facebook: Using social media to promote collaborative argumentation in an online classroom, Marissa C. Owens and Edward M. Nussbaum
Profiles of teacher personality and relations with teacher self-efficacy, work engagement, and job satisfaction, Harsha N. Perera, Helena Granziera, and Peter McIlveen
Profiles of career adaptivity and their relations with adaptability, adapting, and adaptation, Harsha N. Perera and Peter McIlveen
Teacher Education Yearbook XXV, Leann G. Putney and Nancy P. Gallavan
Expanding from Self to Collective Classroom Efficacy: A Tale of Two Classroom Communities, Leann G. Putney, Suzanne H. Jones, and Brett D. Campbell
Funds of High School to College Knowledge: Low-income Student Perceptions of Writing Standards, Stefani R. Relles
Comparing Class- and Task-Level Measures of Achievement Goals, J. Elizabeth Richey, Matthew L. Bernacki, Daniel M. Belenky, and Timothy J. Nokes-Malach
Fostering an environment for resilience among Latino youth: Characteristics of a successful college readiness program, H H. Rivera, T Garza, M Huerta, R Magdaleno, E Rojas, and D Torres Moron
ESPs: Employment and Living Wage Update, Vicki J. Rosser and Celeste M. Calkins
Online Collaborative Misconception Mapping (CMM) Strategy Enhancing Health Sciences Students" Discussion and Knowledge of Basic Statistical Concepts, Magdalena Sas, Lisa D. Bendixen, Kent Crippen, and Sterling Saddler
Stories of a Transformative Mentorship: Graduate Student Glue, Chyllis E. Scott and Diane M. Miller
The effects of developing language and literacy on Spanish reading comprehension, Tracy G. Spies, Rafael Lara, Fuhui Tong, Beverly Irby, Tiberio Garza, and Margarita Huerta
Stereotype threat and gender differences in chemistry, C E. Sunny, G Taasoobshirazi, L Clark, and G Marchand
Submissions from 2016
A Short Form of the Career Interest Test 21-CIT, Cristy Bartlett, Harsha N. Perera, and Peter McIlveen
Teaching for epistemic change in elementary classrooms, Lisa Bendixen
Closing up shop: Perspectives on the departmental/ programmatic elimination experience., Susan B. Donoff and Vicki J. Rosser
Safety climate in defense explosive ordnance: survey development and model testing, Gerard J. Fogarty, Peter J. Murphy, and Harsha N. Perera
Resilience: distinct construct or conglomerate of existing traits?, Gerard J. Fogarty and Harsha N. Perera
Evaluating measures of optimism and sport confidence, Gerard J. Fogarty, Harsha N. Perera, Andrea J. Furst, and Patrick R. Thomas
Beacon Academy: Examining the graduation rate, Tiberio Garza
Improving Student-Athlete Academic Success: Evaluation of Learning Support Tools utilized by Academic Advisors for Athletics, Jeff Grandy, Nancy Lough, and Chyna Miller
Rediscovering Classism: The Humanist Vision for Economic Justice, Arie T. Greenleaf, Manivong J. Ratts, and Samuel Y. Song
A two-process model of metacognitive monitoring: Evidence for general accuracy and error factors, A P. Gutierrez, Gregory Schraw, Fred Kuch, and A S. Richmond
Jere brophy: The texas years, Gene Hall
We Learned Each Other and Then We Taught Each Other: Developing Collective Classroom Efficacy Through the Students’ Eyes, Suzanne H. Jones and LeAnn G. Putney
Do Dispositional Characteristics Influence Reading? Examining the Impact of Personality on Reading Fluency, S Kathleen Krach, Michael P. McCreery, Scott A. Loe, and William P. Jones
Plausibility judgments in conceptual change and epistemic cognition, Douglas Lombardi, Edward M. Nussbaum, and Gale M. Sinatra
Review: The Athletic Trap: How College Sports Corrupted the Academy, Nancy Lough
I Am Bolder: A Social Cognitive Examination of Road Race Participant Behavior, Nancy L. Lough, Jennifer R. Pharr, and Andrea Geurin
Marketing Women’s Sport: A European v. North American Perspective, Nancy Lough and Ceyda Mumcu
A thematic analysis of career adaptability in retirees who return to work, Jennifer Luke, Peter McIlveen, and Harsha N. Perera
The validity of CAAS scores in divergent social occupations, Peter McIlveen, Harsha N. Perera, P Nancey Hoare, and Brad McLennan
Examination of Women's Sports Fans' Attitudes and Consumption Intentions, Ceyda Mumcu, Nancy Lough, and John Barnes
Losing the Lake: Simulations to promote gains in student knowledge and interest about climate change., Edward Michael Nussbaum, Marissa C. Owens, Gale M. Sinatra, Abeera P. Rehmat, Jacqueline R. Cordova, Sajjad Ahmad, Fred C. Harris, and Sergiu M. Dascalu
"It's not a political issue!" The interaction of subject and politics on professors' beliefs in human-induced climate change, Edward M. Nussbaum, Marissa C. Owens, and Jacqueline R. Cordova
The role of trait emotional intelligence in academic performance: theoretical overview and empirical update, Harsha N. Perera
Construct Validity of Scores From the Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale in a Sample of Postsecondary Students With Disabilities, Harsha N. Perera and Rahul Ganguly
Resolving Dimensionality Problems With WHOQOL-BREF Item Responses, Harsha N. Perera, Zahra Izadikhah, Peter O’Connor, and Peter McIlveen
Construct validity of the EUROHIS-QOL for rehabilitation assessment, H N. Perera and J A. Athanasou
Examining the relationship between sport and health among USA women: An analysis of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Jennifer R. Pharr and Nancy Lough
Rethinking Postsecondary Remediation: Exploring an Experiential Learning Approach to College Writing, Stefani Relles
Review of Bridging the Divide between Faculty and Administration: A Guide to Understanding Conflict in the Academy by James L. Bess and Jay R. Dee, Vicki J. Rosser and LeAnn G. Putney
Income & Poverty: A Regional and State Examination of ESP Salaries, Victoria J. Rosser
Review: Bridging the Divide Between Faculty and Administration: A Guide to Understanding Conflict in the Academy, Victoria J. Rosser and Leann G. Putney
The Cart Before the Horse: The Challenge and Promise of Restorative Justice Consultation in Schools, S Y. Song and S M. Swearer
A Tribute to Richard Ruiz: Teaching as mentoring, Joan Wink, Leann G. Putney, Chyllis E. Scott, Dawn Weink, and Ruthie Wink
Teaching As Mentoring, Joan Wink, LeAnn G. Putney, Chyllis Scott, Dawn Wink, and Ruthie Wienk
Submissions from 2015
Context, Contingency, and Dynamic Relations in Self- Regulated Learning, A. Ben-Eliyahu and Matthew L. Bernacki
Enhancing the Policy Analysis Process: Case Studies Using the Layers of Analysis Framework, K. Dockweiler, LeAnn G. Putney, and T. Jordan
Section 1 Summary: Establishing a sense of place for all teacher candidates- Extension questions for reflection and conversation, Nancy Gallavan and LeAnn G. Putney
Section 3 Summary: Establishing a sense of place for teaching and learning all content- Extension questions for reflection and conversation, Nancy Gallavan and LeAnn G. Putney
Review of Tyrone C. Howard, Why Race and Culture Matters in Schools: Closing the Achievement Gap in America’s Classrooms, Hugo A. Garcia and Nancy Ramirez
Plausibility Judgments in Conceptual Change and Epistemic Cognition., Douglas Lombardi, Edward M. Nussbaum, and Gale M. Sinatra
Recognize Value Women Bring to Sport Industry, Nancy Lough
The Effects of Title IX on Intercollegiate Athletics from 1972 – 2012., Nancy Lough
Gesture as an aspect of sociocultural studies on thinking and Speech in relation to second language development, Steven G. McCafferty
Implementation of the Nevada Academic Standards in Mathematics and Language Arts: Key Issues, Edward M. Nussbaum
Celebrity Athlete Endorsers: A Critical Review, Theodore Peetz and Nancy Lough
Afterword, LeAnn G. Putney
Section 2 Summary: Establishing a sense of place for candidates in all classrooms- Extension questions for reflection and conversation, LeAnn G. Putney and Nancy Gallavan
Section 4 Summary: Establishing a sense of place for all learners- Extension questions for reflection and conversation, LeAnn G. Putney and Nancy Gallavan
Teacher education yearbook. XXIV, Establishing a Sense of Place for All Learners in 21st Century Classrooms and Schools, LeAnn G. Putney and Nancy Gallavan
Introduction, LeAnn G. Putney and Nancy P. Gallavan
Afterword, LeAnn G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan
Introduction, LeAnn G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan
Section 1 Summary: Inspirations and Aspirations of Teacher Educators for Themselves and Their Teacher Candidates, LeAnn G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan
Section 2 Summary: Inspirations and Aspirations for Teacher Preparation Programs and Possibilities, LeAnn G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan
Section 3 Summary: Inspirations and Aspirations for New Teachers to Promote Commitment and Continuation, LeAnn G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan
Section 4 Summary: Inspirations and Aspirations to Instill Hope, Courage, and Strength in Teacher Leaders, LeAnn G. Putney and N. P. Gallavan
A Call for Qualitative Methods in Action: Enlisting Positionality as an Equity Tool, Stefani R. Relles
A Living Wage for Educational Support Professionals, Victoria J. Rosser
Perspectives of Title IX Pioneers: Equity, Equality & Need, Lisa Melanie Rubin and Nancy L. Lough
Exploring Preschoolers' Personal Epistemology and Potential Links to Emotion: Using Embedded Instruction, Constant Comparative Approach and Focus Groups, Denise L. Winsor and Lisa D. Bendixen
Submissions from 2014
Examining self-efficacy during learning: variability and relations to behavior, performance, and learning, Matthew L. Bernacki, V. Aleven, and T. J. Nokes-Malach
Stability and Change in Adolescents’ Task- specific Achievement Goals for Learning Mathematics with an Intelligent Tutoring System, Matthew L. Bernacki, V. Aleven, and T. J. Nokes-Malach
Science Diaries: a Brief Writing Intervention to Improve Motivation to Learn Science, Matthew L. Bernacki PhD, Timothy J. Nokes-Malach, Elizabeth J. Richey, and Daniel M. Belenky
Introduction: Optimizing Teaching, Learning, and Schooling with Classroom Assessments, Program Evaluations, and Educator Accountability, Nancy P. Gallavan and LeAnne G. Putney
Section 2 Summary, Nancy P. Gallavan and LeAnn G. Putney